Board and leadership team
Our chief executive
Our Chief Executive is Gerard Hart.
He's accountable to the Scottish Parliament for our performance.
He's advised by the Disclosure Scotland board.
Our board
Our board is made up of members of our senior leadership team and non-executive directors.
Gerard Hart, our Chief Executive, chairs the board.
Senior leadership team
Laura Robertson, Deputy Chief Executive
Nicola McBain, Director of Corporate Services
Lynne McMinn, Interim Strategic Director – Programme Delivery
Kathleen McInulty, Director of Safeguarding
Andrew Cunningham, Deputy Head of Digital and Service Delivery (acting)
Gareth Wilks, Interim Director of Policy and Customer Engagement
Non-executive members
Christopher Wroath, Non-executive Director
Keith Rosser, Non-executive Director
Alastair Sim, Non-executive Director
Lesley Muirhead, Non-executive Director
Martin Gallagher, Non-executive Director
Morven MacLean, Non-executive Director
Audit and risk committee
The audit and risk committee gives an independent view of our:
- financial management
- statutory reporting
- risk, control and governance
This supports our Chief Executive (as our 'Accountable Officer') with their responsibilities in these areas.
The committee reports to the Chief Executive and board after each meeting.
Committee members
Sarah Pumfrett, chair, Non-executive Director
Keith Rosser, Non-executive Director
Stephanie Glavin, Non-executive Director
Lesley Muirhead, Non-executive Director
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